Every parent of a Deer Lake School student is automatically a member of the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Being a part of PAC allows parents an opportunity to get to know one another, and to contribute to school life in a positive way. Parents have traditionally supported the school hot lunch program and volunteered as classroom reps, event coordinators, sport coaches and fundraisers.
If you would like to be more involved in the DLS PAC please send an email to PAC President Jeanette Pavolic at pac@deerlakeschool.ca.
2024-2025 PAC Leadership Team
President - Jeanette Pavlovic
Treasurer - Jeff Li
Secretary - Sandeep Shergill
Members at Large- Tim Liu, Wendy Chamberlain, Andreia Scholtz, Theresa Zhou


To learn more about this ANNUAL festival or to book your booth/table for the Lunar New Year Multicultural Festival please contact
Theresa Zhou ximing_mingyi@hotmail.com
OR Jeanette Pavlovic pac@deerlakeschool.ca
OR Gaileen Woytko, Advancement, Marketing & Community Relations gwoytko@deerlakeschool.ca
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