Registration fees are applicable for Kindergarten to Grade 12, and are due and payable at the time of registration. The registration fee is non-refundable.
The registration fee includes the provision of computers/Chromebooks, the school yearbook, student portraits, and partial field trip expenses. Some class trips, after school clubs and special sports programs may be extra.
Tuition is due on the 1st day of each month, for 10 months, September to June of each school year.
Tuition Fees for 2025-2026, Canadian and Landed Immigrant Rate:

Family Discount
As noted above, the third student from an individual family unit is charged half of the applicable tuition rate. Additional immediate family members will not be charged tuition or other fees. (Not Applicable to International Students)
International Tuition information
International Tuition information is available upon request.
Church Membership at a Local Seventh-day Adventist Church
Deer Lake School is supported by 12 constituent/partner Seventh-day Adventist Churches. If a family's membership is in good and regular standing at a local Seventh-day Adventist Church they may qualify for the appropriate church member discounted tuition rate. The church then pays the balance of the monthly tuition in the form of a subsidy to Deer Lake School.
Textbooks are provided on a loan basis and students are responsible for returning them in good condition. Parents will be required to pay for undue damage or loss.
Arrangements for tuition payments are made at the school office at the time of the registration. Tuition is paid on the 1st day of the month for local students by pre-authorised debit/VISA/MasterCard. For International Students, tuition is due at the time of registration by cash/certified cheque/bank draft. Please keep your bank statements as your receipt.
A student registering before the 15th of any month will pay tuition charges for the entire month. A student withdrawing any time after the 10th of any month will pay tuition charges for the entire month.
Seventh-day Adventist parents who need assistance to meet their financial obligation to Deer Lake School are encouraged to contact their local church. Requesting assistance is the responsibility of the parents and should be made to the pastor or church board of your local church. (This process may take some time and parents should begin as early as possible.)
Parents should not feel reluctant to make such a request since each Seventh-day Adventist church is committed to supporting Christian education and to providing for the needs of its members as far as possible within the local church’s student aid criteria. All parents requesting financial aid are expected to support the school through various volunteer school-related or PAC (Parent Advisory Council) activities.
Parents who need assistance to meet their financial obligations and who are not Seventh-day Adventist church members should discuss their situation with the principal. Such requests will be taken to the Finance Committee of the School Board for consideration on a case-by-case basis.
Deer Lake School, in conjunction with the Seventh-day Adventist Church (BC Conference), issues tax receipts for part of the tuition as charitable donations. The charitable donations receipt covers the religious portion of the tuition, and it is calculated by deducting the secular portion from the total tuition paid. A receipt will be issued annually in February.
In the event that a cheque is not honoured by the bank due to insufficient funds in the account, the school will contact the signatory as soon as possible in order to arrange for a valid replacement cheque, or cash, in the amount of the original cheque plus the bank charges against the school for handling the NSF cheque. An invoice will be issued for the additional bank charges and a receipt will be given for payment received.
Tax-deductible receipts are issued to school donors who give unrestricted gifts of $25 or more.
Student accounts will be billed for the cost of labour and materials to repair or replace school property damaged or destroyed by students and for the negligent loss or destruction of textbooks.